
Object movie




Panorama movie



Panorama movie



Panorama movie



Panorama movie


Still image

Reconstruction view

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

Reconstruction view

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

Reconstruction view

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

Reconstruction view

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

Reconstruction view

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

Reconstruction view

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

View from Basilica Aemilia

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Castor, Aedes
Temple housing cult of the heroes Castor and Pollux.
Reconstructed state: Building as first dedicated on site

Reconstruction issues

Building the Approach

There was some discussion on the rostra/stairs facing the Forum. Scientific Committee member C. Giuliani had excavated in the area of the stairs and was sure that the stairs descended straight to the Forum floor (without rostra), in contrast to the solution of R. Scott (see sketches to right). Both solutions were modeled.

 (Level of certainty: medium)

Determining Building Footprint

The dimensions of the podium and much of the cella were determined by the Scandinavian Excavations of 1983-1987 (Nielsen and Pousen). The surviving architectural orders (columns and architrave) provided the data for the peripteros reconstruction.

 (Level of certainty: high)

Pedimental Sculpture

The temple also provoked discussion of the treatment of the temple pediment. It was decided to use nondescript figural groupings or vegetal sculpture as a representation of pediment sculptural programs. Modern figural pedimental sculpture groups were used, but faded so that the subject could not be easily identified.

 (Level of certainty: medium)

Reconstructing from Proportion

The unknown dimensions were derived using both the dimensions and proportions of the surviving architectural elements. There are also surviving sculptural representations of the upper façade that were referenced for the roof and facade design.

 (Level of certainty: medium)

Original construction methods

Overall construction (Level of certainty: high)

1 Foundation (Level of certainty: high)

Concrete rubble core, tufa and brick

2 Façade-main (Level of certainty: high)

2.1 Fabric of building (Level of certainty: high)

Brick with rubble infill

2.2 Surface covering (Level of certainty: high)

Hypothetical Ashlar pattern plaster work (with embedded marble chips) with crisp beveled, white color above marble panels on exterior walls.

2.3 Decorative elements (Level of certainty: high)

The surviving architectural orders (columns and architrave) determined the order and architectural treatment for the exterior of the building. All other decorative elements were destroyed and have been reconstructed on the basis of Roman architectural norms. Modern figural pedimental sculpture groups were used, but faded so that the subject could not be easily identified

3 Façade-side 2 (Level of certainty: high)

See façade-main

4 Façade-side 3 (Level of certainty: high)

See façade-main

5 Façade-side 4 (Level of certainty: high)

See façade-main

6 Floor (Level of certainty: high)

6.1 Bedding (Level of certainty: high)

Mortar on concrete

6.2 Pavement (Level of certainty: high)

The porch paving is constructed of marbles of neutral white colors.

7 Doorway(s) (Level of certainty: high)

Marble surround frame, bronze doors. Main door is based on the door of the Curia

8 Main-level (Level of certainty: high)

8.1 Wall (Level of certainty: high)

Marble panels over brick substructure fixed with mortar

8.2 Base moulding (Level of certainty: high)

White marble

8.3 Surface cover (Level of certainty: high)

The interior of the temple was not modeled

8.4 Decorative elements (Level of certainty: low)


8.5 Window(s) (Level of certainty: low)


8.6 Ceiling (Level of certainty: high)

8.6.1 Coffering (Level of certainty: high)

Reconstructed vaults based on Roman Architectural norms

8.6.2 Rafters (Level of certainty: high)

Simple wood truss

9 Roof (Level of certainty: high)

Clay tile