
Object movie




Panorama movie



Panorama movie



Panorama movie


Still image

Reconstruction view

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

Reconstruction view

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

Reconstruction view

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

View from Basilica Iulia

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Still image

View from Basilica Iulia

320 x 240

640 x 480

1250 x 900

Rostra Augusti
Orators' platform at northwest end of Forum
Reconstructed state: Building as first dedicated on site

Reconstruction issues

Conflicting Evidence

The five memorial columns were placed in accordance to the scheme proposed by Giuliani citing Richardson. There was some difficulty with the scheme when matched with the foundation evidence of the Rostra.

 (Level of certainty: medium)

Reconstructing from Textual Sources

The placement of the monuments (Milliarium Aureum and Umbilicus Urbis) on the upper level are not certain. Textual sources (see Resources) link these monuments to the Rostra, but their specific placement must remain hypothetical.

 (Level of certainty: medium)

Sources for Reconstruction

The general plan, lower passage materials, lower revetment pattern and location of trophy rostra mounting points are known. Rostra modifications and additions are evident at the site. The model was finished using the revetment pattern evident on the wall blocks.

 (Level of certainty: high)

Original construction methods

Overall construction (Level of certainty: high)

1 Foundation (Level of certainty: high)

Concrete rubble core with brick and tufa facing

2 Façade-main (Level of certainty: high)

2.1 Fabric of building (Level of certainty: high)

There is a core from the first phase in brick with rubble infill faced with plaques of Porta Santa marble divided by africano pilasters; this was encased in a larger structure faced with opus quadratum of tufa blocks faced with marble.

2.2 Surface covering (Level of certainty: high)

Marble panels conforming to patterns evident on surviving walls; Verduchi speculates that in the phase shown in the model the plaques may have alternated between africano and Porta Santa, as they did in the original phase.

2.3 Decorative elements (Level of certainty: high)

Marble moldings at top of monument were destroyed and have been reconstructed on the basis of Roman architectural norms. The base molding survived. Attachments of ship prows were placed on the face of the monument.

3 Façade-side 2 (Level of certainty: high)

See main façade

4 Façade-side 3 (Level of certainty: high)

See main façade

5 Façade-side 4 (Level of certainty: high)

Six travertine steps

6 Bedding (Level of certainty: high)

Mortar on concrete

7 Pavement (Level of certainty: high)

The pavement was made of travertine. On the upper surface were set other monuments, including five honorary columns.

Speaker's platforms

Rostra Diocletiani