Felicitas 2

Richardson, L. jr

Felicitas (2): a temple projected by Julius Caesar in 44 B.C., just before his assassination, and then built by M. Aemilius Lepidus on the site of the Curia Hostilia (q.v.) of Faustus Sulla, which was demolished for this purpose (Cass. Dio 44.5.2). If the curia as rebuilt by Sulla stood in its traditional location, which there is no reason to doubt, the temple was on ground now occupied by the church of SS. Luca e Martina, but the real reason for the demolition of Sulla's curia must have been to permit rebuilding it as an adjunct of the Forum Iulium (q.v.). The allegation that the motive of the senate in ordering the rebuilding of the curia was to remove the name of Sulla from it (Cass. Dio 44.5.2) is unlikely, because it was never called by his name, though it may have been inscribed with it. Because the new curia must have been a building of more or less the same size that we see, space for the Temple of Felicitas was limited, and it is not mentioned later. It seems certainly abolished by the time of Hadrian, who seems to have built the Athenaeum there.

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