Antiquitates Romanae

Dionysius Halicarnassensis

But at last Curtius, having received many wounds and lost much blood, retired by degrees till he came to a deep lake in his rear which it was difficult for him to make his way round, his enemies being massed on all sides of it, and impossible to pass through by reason of the quantity of mud on the marshy shore surrounding it and the depth of water that stood in the middle. When he came to the lake, he threw himself into the water, armed as he was, and Romulus, supposing that he would immediately perish in the lake-- moreover, it was not possible to pursue him through so much mud and water-- turned upon the rest of the Sabines. But Curtius with great difficulty got safely out of the lake after a time without losing his arms and was led away to the camp. This place is now filled up, but it is called from this incident the Lacus Curtius, being about in the middle of the Roman Forum.

Reprinted by permission of the publishers and the Trustees of the Loeb Classical Library from Dionysius of Halicarnassus: Roman Antiquities (Volume I: Books 1-2.), Loeb Classical Library Vol. 319, translated by Earnest Carey, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, © 1937, by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. The Loeb Classical Library ® is a registered trademark of the President and Fellows of Harvard College.

