
Isidorus Hispalensis

Moenius, collega Crassi in foro proiecit materias, ut essent loca, in quibus spectantes insisterent, quae ex nomine eius Moeniana appellata sunt. Haec et solaria, quia patent soli, post haec alii lapide, alii materia aedificavere porticibus moeniana, et foribus et domibus adiecerunt.

Moenius, the colleague of Crassus, built out timbers in the forum so that there would be places in which spectators could stand; from his name these were called "Moeniana." And behind these, because they are open to the sun, some built balconies of stone, others of timber and added them to the porticos both at the entrances and onto houses.

Translation by Jane W. Crawford, © 2001.

