"Scholia codicis rescripti Veronensis in Vergilii Bucolica, Georgia, Aeneidem"


Acron: OSSA QUIRINI. Et illa, quae sepulta sunt, dissipabit ossa, quia semper est clausum templum Quirini. Non enim licet patefieri templum eius.

Acron: THE BONES OF QUIRINUS. And he shall scatter those bones which have been buried, because the temple of Quirinus has always been closed. For it is not permitted that his temple be opened.

Prophyrion: Hoc sic dicitur, quasi Romulus sepultus sit, non ad caelum raptus aut descerptus, nam Varro (?) post Rostra fuisse sepultum Romulum dicit.

Porphyrion: THE BONES OF QUIRINUS THAT NOW ARE SHELTERED FROM THE WIND AND SUN. This is said thus, as if Romulus were buried, not snatched up to heaven or torn apart, for Varro (?) says that Romulus was buried behind the Rostra.

Translation by Jane W. Crawford, © 2001.

