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Frequently asked questions
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What browser versions does Digital Karnak support?
This site has been tested with the current versions of the following software as of June 2012: The site may work on other browsers but has not been tested on them. Please note that the Timemap is only fully supported on Chrome and Safari. Internet Explorer has partial functionality; Firefox does not currently function with the Timemap.

How do I use the Timemap?
To use the timemap, click on either a date (above the map) or use the drop-down menu and select a particular king. New buildings will appear in red, while pre-existing buildings will be in yellow. To see where a particular building is located, click its name under Features Created, Features Modified, or Features Destroyed.

How can I find out more information on specific buildings?
To learn more about a specific building on the model, click the building (when it is red) and then click on the structure's name in the balloon. This will take you to the individual webpage for each building, giving you information on the structure's life-span and reconstruction on the Digital Karnak model.

Experience Karnak
The videos won't open/play on my computer, what do I do?
If the video clips do not load on your computer, please either download QuickTime or update to the latest version. Click to be taken to the Apple QuickTime download.

Browse Archive
What do I do if I don't see the king I'm looking for?
If you do not see the name of a king you are looking for listed either he did not have a major building or restoration program at Karnak and was not included in this study or his name is spelled differently on the website than you are accustomed to. For a list of alternate spellings, click here.

Google Earth
Where do I get Google Earth?
If you do not have Google Earth already, please download a free copy here. If you are a Mac user and are having trouble installing Google Earth please follow this link.

How do I use Google Earth?
On the left-hand navigation under Layers, it is important to uncheck the "terrain" box. This will allow all the buildings to be seen completely above the terrain. Unchecking "geographic web" will hide all the camera icons.

Located at the top right is the time slider. After moving to 201 BCE, please allow several minutes for the files to load. Time will depend on the internet connection speed. To trace the development of the temple from its earliest phase in the Middle Kingdom (1950 BCE) through the Greco-Roman Period (31 BCE), move the time slider from left to right. This will allow you to see how the temple grew and changed as subsequent kings added new structures to Karnak. Please note that only the year will be displayed.

Using the three directional tools on the far right of your screen, you can rotate your view, go down to pedestrian level, or zoom in and out.
The top tool (with the eye and the North arrow) is used to change the direction the user is facing. The user will remain in the same spot, but can turn 360 degrees to look around. Pressing the arrows will tilt the user's sight up, down, left and right depending on which arrow is being pressed.
The middle tool (with the hand) is used for changing position only. The user will continue to face the same direction. Pressing left and right arrows will slide the user left and right along a straight line. Pressing up and down will move the user forward and backward.
The bottom tool (the +/- bar) is the zoom tool. Sliding towards + will zoom in on the area, sliding towards – will zoom out. Google Earth has designed this tool to give a "swooping effect" so that the closer to the Earth's surface the user gets, the more parallel the view becomes.

The mouse can also be used to navigate through Google Earth. Please follow the instructions for your platform.

For PC Users:
Left-clicking and dragging the map will cause a change in position, after letting go of the map you will still continue to move in a straight line in the same direction. Left-clicking again will stop you. Right-clicking and dragging will zoom the user in or out. Once you let go, you will continue to zoom. If your mouse has a scrolling wheel, this can be used to zoom in and out without continued motion (like using the bottom tool). Center-clicking with the scrolling wheel also causes motion to stop. Right-clicking and holding while moving the mouse in a circular motion will cause you to change the direction you are facing without changing position.

For Mac Users:
Clicking and dragging the map will cause a change in position, after letting go of the map you will still continue to move in a straight line in the same direction. Clicking again will stop you. Control-clicking and moving the mouse will cause you to zoom in and out. Control-click and hold while moving the mouse in a circular motion will cause you to change the direction you face without changing position.

What are the bubbles with the "i" inside?
These are information bubbles. If you click them they will give you more information about a particular building or feature.

How do I turn on/off the information bubbles? To turn on/off the information bubbles, check or uncheck the Info Bubbles box, located under Places.

The UCLA model is hidden by another 3D model placed on the Google Earth satellite imagery. How can I hide this other model?
Google Earth posts user-created models to its satellite imagery. To turn these models off (and UCLA's Karnak model is only visible if these models are off), go to the layers tab of the Google Earth control panel and uncheck the box marked "3D buildings."