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Image resource: Photograph of Quays Ramps and Revetments, by UCLA
Image resource: Photograph of Quays Ramps and Revetments, by UCLA
Image resource: Photograph of Quays Ramps and Revetments, by UCLA


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Quays Ramps and Revetments

Other lake and river rituals:
Taharqo Edifice and Nilometer, Sacred Lake


The quays, ramps and revetments are located west of the Amun temple complex along the Nile.

Further reading

Gitton, Michel (1974), “Le palais de Karnak.” Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archaéolgie orientale, vol. 74, 63-73.

Lauffray, Jean (1975), “La tribune du quai de Karnak et sa favissa.” Cahiers de Karnak, vol. V, 43-76.

Traunecker, Claude (1972), “Les rites de l'eau à Karnak d'après les textes de la rampe de Taharqa.” Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, vol. 72, 195-236.